Target targets me

October 10, 2014
The crowded parking lot and that bright red and white sign and the automatic doors open and you land yourself back at Target for the third time this week. Of course you can’t help but grab a cart knowing you’re going to throw everything that you shouldn’t buy in there.
Look at those cute journals in the dollar section, oh and those cute Hello Kitty socks! You just can’t help but grab three different journals and six pairs of socks! By the time you leave the dollar section, you have forgotten everything you actually need.
Oh yeah, I needed shampoo.. right?
Strolling through the aisle to get to the hair products means passing the make up aisle and you know, you can’t just walk past without looking through all the mirrors and swatching all these new polishes.
After 15 minutes of looking at these ridiculous polishes, you finally have your shampoo.
Why can’t I ever leave without buying $100 worth of crap that I do not need?! It’s like I have a love/hate relationship with Target. I don’t know what it is but I think I seriously need help. I go in thinking I’m just going to get one thing, just one thing and I end up buying practically the whole store.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy every second that I’m in that ridiculously amazing but dangerous store but I can’t keep doing this. I need to break this bad habit. I need to just let go.. Let go of the cute journals, cheap yoga pants, cute sweaters, and these pretty pastel nail polishes.
I’m sorry Target. I don’t want to let you go but, you are breaking my bank.
Goodbye, now.