Where is my book of answers?

Hannah McNichols, Opinion Editor


“What do you mean you’re not going to college?!”

“You have to! It’s your future!”

My question is, do I absolutely have to go to college?

For some maybe, but is college really for everybody? You grow up thinking you just absolutely have to go. Stanford, Yale, Juilliard… we all had dreams. But is a community college worth the thousand dollars of debt you’ll be in after graduation day?

If I want to be a brain surgeon or a mathematician, yeah, college has to happen. But if I want to do free lance writing and photography for the rest of my life, do I need a fancy degree so I can be in debt up to my neck for the rest of my life?

As for those big dreams that we all had as a kid, anything from astronauts to brain surgeons, is that really what’s going to happen in two years when the junior class graduates? Or even the seniors now, are you going for that big shot, pent house, office job? Or are you settling?

Now, I’m not saying you should settle for anything, but are your extravagant dreams of being a multi-millionaire going to work out for you? Or are you going to graduate and take classes while you work, eventually find a spouse, and have office jobs while you build a family and own a decent house, because that sounds like reality for most of us.

Can we have a normal life without feeling like we’re letting ourselves down? Or do we have to follow the trend of going to college, getting a nice fancy car, and having the cookie cutter life that generations before have invented?

What if I go to college for two years, spend thousands of dollars on college and then I decide I don’t want to do that for the rest of my life? I have then instead just wasted my life savings and I’m in debt.

But how do we avoid that? Nobody has answers for us.

If I don’t go to college, I will be debt free. I can travel and educate my self. I can learn life lessons that I need to know instead of the things I learned in high school photography classes. I will be able to make a name for myself with my writing and photography business I want to own someday.

Now don’t get me wrong, a degree would help with getting a job at The New York Times or Huffington Post, but for my dream of life is college the right decision for me? Or can I just have a freelance job where I can raise kids and set my schedule around theirs and my husbands? Because that sounds good enough to me.