Illness isn’t Beauty

In today’s society mental illnesses such as Depression, Self Harm, Bipolar etc are glamorized. All of a sudden  now being depressed or cutting yourself is ‘trendy‘. People who live with a serious mental illness do not tend to be open and public about it.  Mental illness to many is embarressing and can be a scary experience.When someone is mentally sick, they need to seek help, not allow it to be in the spotlight. Being mentally sick isn’t attractive, Back during the 30’s life in a mental hospital was a described as hell. Most often people were locked down, and the use of straight jackets were very common. That only enraged the problem. In some southern states, It was common to chain behavioral problems to a wall. In the 50’s, stereotypical treatments of mental illness were shock therapy, lobotomy, psychiatric wards and dark asylum corridors.  Today, these same images are being glorified on the pages of social media sites such as FaceBook, Tumblr etc.  Legitimate sufferers of mental illness, Are today classified as “Dramatic teenagers” or “Attention seekers” due to their association with the pitiful teens of our generation. To sum things up stop the glorification, stop lying, also stop faking illnesses to spin into something “cool” or “unique.