
Is it really as horrible as society perceives it?

Celina Horsley, Opinions

Satanism is portrayed as being “Evil” or “Devil Worshiping” but what really is Satanism? Satanism is seen more of a philosophy than a religion. When most people hear the word “Satanism” they think of  a demonic person who ritually sexually abuse children and murder or sacrifice human beings and animals.The media and Christianity often potray these stereotypes, However a lot of these are false.  If you talk to most Satanists, they will tell you that they don’t worship the Christian Satan or even believe that anything in the Holy Bible is true, The other few Satanists believe in Reverse Christianity


Satanism  has Nine Satanic Sins which are what Christians like to believe that Satanists, base their entire belief system on theirs. The Nine Satanic Sins are 1.Stupidity 2. Pretentiousness 3.Solipsism 4. Self – Deceit 5.Herd Conformity 6.Lack of Perspective 7.Forgetful of Past Orthodoxies 8.Counterproductive Pride and Finally 9.Lack of Aesthetics.

Lastly, Just because you believe in something doesn’t  mean everyone else does too. Satanists have their own beliefs separate from Christianity, the whole idea that Christians have about Satanists just worshiping their Satan and thinking that they use their Holy Bible is called arrogance Satanists do not have any association with their holy stories. Every religion has some form or another of a Satan & Higher Power of Good, Good vs Evil.