Time’s ticking!

Five minutes-it’s not that hard.

Times ticking!

Sammi Linebach and


Rrrrrrring!! The bell just rang, and everyone’s jostling out the door. You have five minutes to get to your next class. Whether it’s on the other side of the building, or just down the hallway—you have time to walk, not run. What is wrong with you?

You get the chance for a free education. Why are you being so ignorant and obnoxious. You’re just wasting money by not going to class. You’re also wasting everyone’s chance for the 45 minute lunch. What is wrong with you?

5 minutes is enough time to go to the bathroom and get to your class on time. You don’t have to run through the halls bumping into everyone. You don’t have to go to the vending machine every passing time. Talk about fat America. What is wrong with you?

You have friends, we all do. We also have a certain time when it’s acceptable to hang with them and passing time is not the time. If you walk the same way, okay go ahead and walk to class. But you do not need to walk your buddy to class. This is high school. We don’t really follow the buddy system anymore. What is wrong with you?

Aye, there’s your boo-boo. But hey, you don’t need to go make out with them every passing time. You don’t have to walk them to every single class. You are dating, you will see each other again. You’re being separated for what, an hour? Not including the bathroom breaks you two take together just to see each other. What is wrong with you?

Five minutes guys. It’s not that hard. You have your friends and honey boo-boos, and you get hungry. I understand this, I do. But there is a time and place to see everyone and talk to them. It’s called lunch and after school. And don’t even act like you’re not texting them during the whole class period either. What’s wrong with you?

We all want a longer lunch, 30 minutes is not long enough to go to BK or Gateway Market and enjoy lunch time with company. But YOU are keeping it from us. Just because you don’t like learning or would rather be out wandering the halls rather than being on time to class.

Seriously, what’s wrong with you? It’s not that hard.