North alumnus anchors news in New York City

Class of 1998 alumnus Nikki Rudd shares her story of success

Photo courtesy: Nikki Rudd

Nikki Rudd reports on location at her job in New York City.

Kathleen Tran, Reporter

Tackling the role of anchor and reporter can be difficult, but Nikki Rudd, North alumnus of 1998, manages to balance both roles. She usually arrives to work around 3:30 to 4 am depending on what she’s doing that particular day. Then, as soon as she gets there she’s rehearsing lines, to making any editing or line-up changes as well as adding any stories – all this takes place before five in the morning. Whether she’s anchoring or reporting, it’s a busy day.

Rudd joined the News10

Nikki Rudd reports on location at her job in New York City.
Photo courtesy: Nikki Rudd
Nikki Rudd reports on location at her job in New York City.

NBC team in May of 2004 in Rochester, New York as an anchor and reporter. She mainly anchors for the morning show between 5 to 7 am alongside her co-workers, but she’ll occasionally report and do the news for a local radio station.

“If I’m anchoring, I come in at 4am. Our morning show lasts two hours. Then, I also anchor the noon show. My day usually ends at 1pm. I also do news for our partner radio station WARM 101.3. If I’m reporting, I come in at 3:30 am. I prep for whatever story will be that day then head out to the live location.” she explained of her individual roles.

Rudd’s schedule is always fast paced and stimulating. You might wonder when do they catch a break? She doesn’t hesitate when asked of what she looks forward to everyday.

“Honestly, taking a nap during my lunch break if I get one!” she laughs. “But also writing a good story with natural sound bites from a talented photographer and being with my co-workers.”

As much as Rudd loves what she does, she doesn’t like the schedule as much as you’d expect. Waking up at 2 am isn’t “exactly normal” and she feels as if she misses out especially during summer when she feels like everyone is out having fun while she’s going to bed before the sun sets. But working for the position for eleven years you eventually overcome that.

“I get off in the afternoon, so I’m able to have spare time to hang out at the beach or catch up on my favorite tv shows.” she said.

Graduating in the class of 1998 at NHS, Rudd loved high school. She recalls “friends and sports” as her most memorable moments of her high school career. After taking radio/TV at Central Campus her junior and senior years of high school she fell in love with broadcasting. She went on to Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa, majoring in communication arts knowing exactly what she wanted to do. But it wasn’t until she interned at KCCI News Channel 8 where she became “inspired to be a journalist”.

Her advice for anyone planning on majoring in communications is to actively get engaged for instance “get into a newsroom” to see what the environment is like and to gain experience.

“You don’t want to just study books. You need to do it! Take advantage of any internships. Network.” Rudd said.

Rudd’s optimistic and cheerful spirit is what attracts people. Much of her happiness and joy comes from her religion and beliefs.

“There’s no question that’s how I’m able to keep a positive attitude in horrible situations. In this business, it’s very important that you don’t take work home. You have to separate your work life from your home life.” Rudd explained.

Aside from work, Rudd enjoys sleeping, movies, good restaurants and spending time with friends and family. She lives by the quote “life is what you make it!” quoted by her one and only mother Patricia Rudd.

Nikki Rudd, second from the left, and her team at News10 NBC in New York.
Photo courtesy: Nikki Rudd
Nikki Rudd, second from the left, and her team at News10 NBC in New York.