Female Fears

Sammi Linebach, Features Editor

If I were to ask you what you were afraid of, am I right to assume the normal phobias such as heights, snakes, and small spaces?

Could you come up with a list of your fears and share them with someone? Or are you afraid to share as well?

For the average female, one of the most prominent fears in life is the fear to be alone. Autophobia is the specific phobia of being isolated or alone. Sufferers need not be physically alone, but believe that they are being ignored, unloved, threatened by intruders, and so on.

Sure, there are other fears that coincide with this. For example, some women fear that they will get knocked up and then abandoned. Some women fear falling so deeply in love and then losing it all due to death, adultery, or just losing the spark. But of all situations, the average female cannot comprehend such a feeling.

We grow up being loved and are taught to love. As little girls, we weren’t taught about how to be independent or how to survive by ourselves—completely on our own. We were shaped by society to believe that we will meet someone who will cherish us as much as we do them and they will never abuse or abandon us. We all dreamed of that happy ever after and the happy ending with Prince Charming. And what about that big beautiful wedding…how’s that going?

We love and we lust. We dream and we want to soar. We are women and we need affection. We crave that lovey-dovey, charming, and irrestable feeling that is love.

But hey, who are we kidding? We are all alone in this world. Friends come and go, boyfriends lust and then leave, family loves and dies. We are on our own; learning how to become more independent day by day. Crying and dying everyday because we cannot have someone who loves and accepts us. We cannot find someone who cures our fear of being alone.

Are we going about his all wrong? Do we have to start off completely alone in order to achieve happiness in life? If we start off alone, and stay alone, we will never learn about the gaping hole that creates this fear in the first place.

But once we feel the comfort of another being, we are screwed.