Not so happily ever after

Kelsey Ambrose

When it comes to relationships, it’s safe to say girls tend to sometimes expect too much.  I’m constantly surrounded by the extensive details on how a girl wants a guy. A great body, nice eyes, smart, funny, LOTS of money, treat me like a princess, and don’t forget to bring ice cream to my door when I’m sad, along with 600 texts a day, and so on.

This isn’t a Disney movie.

I’m not saying having standards isn’t a good thing, but having too high of standards is setting you up for a world of hurt. Girls aren’t the only ones with too high of standards, guys do it too. You want a girl with a pretty face, good personality, a nice set both front and behind, not too clingy, and to cater to your every wish. We’re all guilty of it.

Of course it would be nice to wake up to flowers, and expensive jewelry on occasion, but we’re in high school.  None of us have a Kim and Kanye relationship; I’ve never seen a wall of white roses just for me, it’ll probably never happen.

When you have such high expectations, getting hurt is inevitable.  You want someone who is loyal to you, and you only, but what are you going to do when you’re on Twitter, or Instagram and you see something you don’t want to see? Whether it’s a tweet, a favorite, or he’s someone else’s Man Crush Monday? You were just let down from your expectations.

The same night you text him, and you tell him exactly what you think. Before you know it, 10 minutes turns into 30 minutes, and then 30 minutes turns into 2 hours, still no reply. You check because maybe you just didn’t send it, then there it is, “read 6:14 pm.”  He has fully let you down, and you’re left wondering why he won’t talk to you, and what you did wrong.

Most of us talk to someone for one simple reason, to be happy. But if the other person doesn’t want what you want, that can be hard to accomplish. If a guy doesn’t want a relationship, you can’t make him. You can’t force what won’t budge.

We’re in high school, we all need to realize the scary truth, and that’s that the person we choose to be with right now could be the one we marry and spend the rest of our lives with, or in a year we may not even look at each other. So the expectations you have for someone are important, if you have too high of them you could miss out on someone amazing.

You have to know that when you settle for something less, most of the time it is the best answer, many times it is true when they say less is better.