what is true?

Moise Tuombemungu

                I have for long pondered upon the question of what is truth, only to simply figure out that truth is the state of been true, so than what is true and why is so many have opposing variation of what is true?. Well what is true lines up with facts and is in accordance with reality, that is only half of the spirit of truth. For it is true that if on jumps off the high bridge he will fall to his own grave, such man who say that it is not realistic truth is not, is either a fool or an arrongant lunatic. So than why do many hold opposing truths?

            Well the other half of the spirit of truth is abstract truth, they are clearly not realistically eye seeing truths. Such as the idea of great Beigns in religions and sciences varies, because it takes mostly the spiritual eye to behold such truths, I believe man should acknowledge the whole spirit of truth. That is the conclusion I fell unto yet not fully thought of, nor clearly explained within myself, or to you in this writing