A Blank Canvas


Sammi Linebach, Features Editor







Body appearances. Any flaw can be transformed into a feature of art. When one is born, their baby soft skin is just a brand new canvas to be worked on.
I’m not talking about body shapes like skinny arms, chicken noses, or even bubble butts. I’m talking about what is on those lengthy limbs, what is above the bones, and alongside the skin.

Hey! You have freckles, maybe you were born with them like myself. Or maybe you love being outside and playing the day away, letting that dazzling sun beat down on your fresh skin.

Say you have stretch marks, well maybe you enjoy food a lot. Maybe you made a decision to be intimate and nine months later gave another life to the world.

You have a tattoo or many tattoos that describe yourself such as a cross for your religion, your moms name because she’s your hero, even a flower to represent your delicacy.

Maybe you’re a clumsy clown and run into everything. Maybe you’re being abused at home. What if you got in a fight with someone. You have these bruises that describe how tough you are, or how uncoordinated you are.

You have a embarrassing birthmark that you think people will make fun of. No, birthmarks are beauty. Mine is on top my head and my hair in that one spot doesn’t grow as quickly and it’s a different shade of brown.

Say you had such an experience in life that you have a scar that reminds you of it every day. I have a permanent scar behind my ear from my latest surgery. Soldiers may have scars from wartime. You might have a scar from jumping off a house or tripping on a ladybug.

No matter what has happened in your lifetime, you no longer have that fresh blank canvas. You now show the evidence that you have lived your life, and are continuing to live it.

So go ahead, go and continue to color your canvas. Go color your life.