Being Impacted.


Sammi Linebach, Features Editor

Who am I?
Times when you’re at your lowest, you can’t help but wonder where you’re at, who you are, and what exactly are you doing not only at the moment, but in life.

Are you hurting someone’s feelings by doing what you’re doing or where you are? Are you forgetting about someone when you do this stuff? Are you thinking how this moment can impact your life?

Ever wondered what would’ve happened if you did one thing instead of the other? Ever wondered why the people around you keep changing? Or is it really you that is changing, and you just don’t realize it.

As we grow older, certain events happen in life that change us. Even if we deny it, we cannot stop it. Anything from a friend going away to your dog chewing her tail off—it all affects how we live the next day.

If a parent leaves the family for their own selfish needs, you might be forced to grow up a little sooner than you may have wanted to. Your mood goes a little sour from all the pain, sorrow, and anger.

Your once best friend strays away because her parents think your school is unsafe to attend. You no longer have that one person you trusted so much to spill your many emotions out to. You feel it’s harder the next time to trust someone and get close with them in fear they might go away and neglect you as well. Your mood hardens and spoils.

You finally find that special someone and you build your trust with them. You spend all this time together and fall in love deeper then the endless sea. They slip up and lie about something you deeply cared about, and that sour, spoiled, furious mood turns into this monstrous mega mood.

You are now this monster that your life experiences have turned you into. Will you bounce back? Are you going to find ways to get to that neutral mood again? Who are you and where are you? Is what you’re doing now going to impact your future positively or negatively?
Think about it.