The heroic, the brave, and the courageous

Sammi Linebach, Features Editor

Me and my mother with the band Hanson
Me and my mother with the band Hanson

I’ve never been so proud so be related to such a strong and independent woman. My mother has been with my father for about 21-22 years. They had my two brothers and myself within the first 5-6 years of their marriage. From then, everything tumbled.

My brothers have set the house on fire, ran the car into the garage, and pretty much broke one of their faces. Our family has been prone to hospital visits. I, myself, have had many, many ear surgeries and ear problems since I was 3 mos. old, and still waiting on the money for my other and hopefully last ear surgery. My father has sliced his leg open and my mother is probably the normal one of us all.

We were a ordinary American family for the longest time. But within the past 5-6 years, we are as separate from one another as ever. My father decided to quit his job, leaving my mother to provide for all 5 of us. The constant bickering between me and my brothers, my mom and father just made the once humble abode a mad house.

Sure she gets on my nerves, but she’s my mom, it’s her job.

When my father left, bills came more abundant and we the kids had to help out on occasion. My mother worked and still works her butt off to provide for my family. When he came back, he still remained jobless and my mom had no other choice than to get a second job. This is when she and I applied at Target together. She got hired quickly and has been working there since then. Our bond grew from there on.

She took my fathers sorry butt back because she loves him. After fighting, making her cry, and being gone for so long, she still loved him. After being together for so long and going through so much, the power between the two was still strong, but it was shaky.

I never forgave my father for leaving, and never will. Seeing my mother cry time after time, it was the hardest thing to watch. She is such a strong woman, and watching her cry, it was like watching a loved one on their deathbed. By no means was or will I be okay with it.

My mother is my hero. We have such a bond that cannot be broken. Sure she gets on my nerves, but she’s my mom, it’s her job.