Powers, Heroes, Life

Powers, Heroes, Life

Michael Colon-Ramos, Features Assistant

Heroes on TV have it so easy with their powers. Yeah they help society but they also use their powers in their everyday life. And frankly I think it’s not fair. Why can’t we have super powers? Why can’t we have it that easy? Why is society and life so hard?

Nitghcrawler can teleport all the time. Superman has heat and x ray vision, freeze breath, super strength, and he can fly. Mystique can shape shift to look like anyone she wants and Santana uses magic. Now why can’t we have those abilities? Why can’t we be that lucky?

All of my freshmen year I had to walk to school in the flaming heat and in the freezing cold. Specially in the cold since I had just moved from Puerto Rico which is a tropical island meaning that its always hot. There is no temperature as low as -1 or -10 Jezzum crow the temperature back in the island is always 110 or 120. Anyways It took about 30 minutes to walk to school and 30 minutes to walk back. Now just imagine if I had the power to fly, I could have been in school in a matter of 5 to 7 minutes. Now if I had the power to teleport it would just take a second. I don’t think its fair that we don’t have the ability to do it cause that would make life so but so much easier and it would save me a lot of traveling time.

Life wouldn’t just be easy for us at home but for jobs like policeman could stop criminals without lifting a finger they could just freeze them and end of case. Construction workers could lift heavy tubes and large rocks without sweating with their super strength.

Now, Instead of having wonderful and great abilities we have bruises because our skin is not made of steel, we have to walk because we can’t fly, we have to cook for 20 to 30 minutes because we can’t use heat vision to instantly cook it and last but not least we have to live our everyday life.