Updated: Make Up Storage ♡

January 16, 2014
Hello lovelies! It’s been awhile, I need to start posting again! This is my updated make up storage, I got some new things for Christmas, including the ecotools make up bag and brushes in the picture. They are all AMAZING! I’ve been using them since I’ve got it. I still have the same stack and go organizer, I just added plastic bins? I’m not sure what they’re called!
This is what my top shelf looks like! In the right corner I have a tinted moisturizer, foundation, and setting spray. Under that in the plastic bin are all my bronzers and foundation sponges, which I need to clean (lol) In the other plastic bin there are lipsticks, eye primer, eyelash glue, mascara, etc! Up above, there are brushes and my ecotools brushes inside the cosmetics bag! I also have a blush pallet under all my brushes.
This is what my second shelf looks like! I have moved my hair stuff back into my dresser, just because I want this bin to be all make up! So this is basically where I store my extra stuff, especially eyelashes! I also have my shimmer pallet that I barely use so that’s why it’s part of my storage!
That is all for now! I’m expecting to add more stuff to this, it seems like it’s already full! I also added something new to my collection and I’m excited to share it with you guys! Stay tuned for what it is!!
PS: Sorry for the dirty pallets, I’ve tried to clean them off but it’s so hard! I suck at keeping things clean! —Not saying my a dirty person either haha