Punching Trees Gives Us Wood

Valerie Natale

Imagine a world where everything is square. You can build anything you want, fight dangerous monsters, and defy gravity, I’m not talking about some stupid computer game, I’m talking about Minecraft.

People of all ages are playing Minecraft on computers, xbox and even iPads. From children to young adults, even thirty year olds enjoy the amazing game. Minecraft has become a pop culture icon.

Maddy Hannagan, 18, has been playing Minecraft for about three years. Hannagan learned about Minecraft through a few friends. “I prefer to play by myself. Most of the time I’m working on a project, like a new structure and I find that it’s better without the distractions of other players.”

Tristan Kidd, senior, “Disadvantages to playing Minecraft would be a how time consuming it is and how it draws you in. I often rage quit. I cannot tell you how many times I’ll be playing legit survival, having a lot of items and just die. You lose everything.” Kidd also watches TheCreatures on Youtube, who make Minecraft videos.

Disadvantages to playing Minecraft would be a how time consuming it is and how it draws you in. I often rage quit. I cannot tell you how many times I’ll be playing legit survival, having a lot of items and just die. You lose everything.

— Tristan Kidd

Alvaro Coarite, 17, has enjoyed Minecraft for about three and half years. “Perks of playing would be time on the game, having some sense of accomplishment for making cows and chicken get funky.” Coarite watches Sips, Sjin, and Roosterteeth on Youtube.

I’ve been playing Minecraft since freshman year. I usually play with Coarite and other online players. There are many Youtubers that play Minecraft. From TobyGames to PewDiePie. I would say SkyDoesMinecraft and Deadlox are my favorite players. People who shouldn’t be playing are children and preteens. They’re extremely obnoxious online and do not understand server rules and often cheat. Most common server rules are no griefing (which is destroying people’s items, cursing, taking items), no teleporting and no stalking.

Notch, the creator of Minecraft, designed it so everyone can enjoy it peacefully while playing offline, online, LAN(Local Accessing Network), or even just expiermenting with how blocks and animals work. People of all ages, young and old, get addicted to Minecraft. If you want to see it for yourself, you should look up different players on Youtube or even download the free version. If you enjoy the square world, you can buy the game for your xbox, computer and iPad for $19.99.