Your Vote Matters

September 21, 2020
The 2020 election is one for the books, so what do you need to know?
This year’s election is more important than ever to participate in. With a global pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests, and inequality arising through the country, voting is necessary in order to speak out and stand for what you believe in.
How do I vote?
According to “FiveThirtyEight”, each state is offering different, contact-free, voting options. If you are of-age, 18 years old before November 3rd, 2020, and are a United States citizen, you are eligible to vote. Iowa offers online registration and mailing options to ensure your spot in the ballots. So far, in-person ballots will remain open, but absentee ballots are now offered to all active voters in Iowa. An absentee ballot is for a voter unwilling or unable to attend their polling station in person. All you need is a form of identification which can be an Iowa driver’s license, US passport, veteran ID or another form of identification to prove your citizenship. Register to vote online by November 2nd, 2020.
Your vote counts!
Every single vote counts. Voters can change the political system and demand for equality. It is important for Americans to use their rights to create a society where everyone can live and thrive.
What if I am not old enough to vote?
Say you are not old enough to vote, but you want your voice to be heard. According to YEACamp, there are many ways to stay active in politics without voting.
- Educate yourself on the candidates and issues going on in the country. Find issues that are important to you and things you connect with. Become informed about which side you support so you are prepared for the next election you can vote in.
- Encourage others to vote! Talk to adults around you and voice your opinion, encourage them to register and help them get to the polls.
- Volunteer for campaigns. Getting involved will help educate you and others on the political process and make an impact on the race.
Do not be afraid to voice your opinion and stand for your beliefs, your voice matters.
#SayTheirNames George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Botham Jean, Trayvon Martin, and…
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