“People united. We will not be divided.” #NorthWalkOut
Students of North high protest the 2017 election outcome on November 9th 2016 at 10:30 AM.
November 9, 2016
All across Des Moines, high school students band together in protest of the 2017 election results. Students and faculty from not only North, but also East, Hoover, Roosevelt and Central walked out of class at 10:30 AM with signs that said things such as, “Racism is alive and well.” Student Body President, Harry Nguyen led chants that student yelled across 6th Avenue as cars honked in support. The students of North High locked arms resembling them being united.
This protest was not intended to try to undo what has already happened but give a voice to the youth who may have not gotten the chance to vote and have a say in how their future may unfold.
For more on the events go to: http://www.dmschools.org/2016/11/students-voice-concerns-of-election-result/