Obama visit is positive, other schools’ students react harshly
President Obama speaks to students, staff, and families about college affordability.
October 14, 2015

President Obama speaks to students, staff, and families about college affordability.
September 16, 2015, North High School had the opportunity to have President Obama visit the school. Obama came and spoke to North High School student’s and their parents about the value in education. It was a great experience for the North’s friends and family. Unfortunately, students from other schools didn’t think North should have been the school to host the presidents town hall meeting.
Lots of hateful comments were directed to North High School’s students once it was announced that Obama was coming to North. One of the most popular things posted on Facebook was “Since when is the worst school the most privileged?” Other comments were “I wouldn’t be wasting my time with them,” or “why couldn’t he have came to a different school?”
North High School finally gets a spotlight of recognition based on their students’ performances academically. As the school that was once known for their terrible reputation finally gets a second chance and some seem to not look beyond the past.
To other schools, we seem like we have to remain at the bottom while all of the praise remains on the other schools, but during Obama’s visit he was asked, “Why did you choose to come to North?”
North has had major improvements over the years, many students who have started out at the bottom are on a path to success now. North also started out with two advanced placement classes and currently has 15.
Though North High School has had issues in the past, North as a whole has had major improvement and we are only getting better and growing stronger in what we do. Forget about the past and focus on the future and remember it’s ALWAYS a great day to be a North High School polar bear.