Don’t be that girl

Aminah Lothi, Fashion Editor

January is pretty much over and it’s about that time, Valentines Day. Some people love the holiday and then we have those “forever alone” type of people. I just don’t understand why people choose to be miserable and torture themselves with all this sappy stuff on Twitter or tumblr.


You don’t have to be miserable on this holiday. I’m almost sure you have good friends or family that you can spend time with. Who needs a boyfriend when there’s $1.49 chicken nuggets at Burger King, 2 for $5 at Arby’s and a semi- annual sale at Victoria Secret.


Girl, buy those 10 piece chicken nuggets. You’re already single so you might as well eat what you want. Grab some fries while you’re at it. Treat yourself. You don’t have anybody to impress anyways. So..? Treat yourself.


Go shopping. It’ll make you feel a little better. Retail therapy never hurt anyone! You’re already single so you can always treat yourself for being a sexy, independent, individual. Buy all those sale sweaters and sweats since we know that’s all you wear anyways.