Fall Fashion
December 13, 2013
Fall is finally here! If you’re like me, you’re probably very excited or you could be really bummed because of the cooler weather…. but have no fear, Aminah’s here!
Just because it’s cooler. doesn’t mean you have to completely put away your summer wardrobe, you could still wear skirts, shorts and dresses in the fall which is something that I love! Add a nice jacket and some tights to keep warm and you’re ready to go!
Now, for my guys — here’s a good fashion tip — ladies, let’s be honest, we love a guy in button ups! Which is great this fall! Crew necks are also one of the best things during the fall, you can either be dressed up or dressed down with a crew neck, and it’s comfy! What’s not to love!
My point is, fall fashion is very simple and classy! Don’t be too bummed about the cooler weather.
Remember to always get up, dress up, show up, and smile!