Prom 2022 Guests were “On Cloud 9”
May 1, 2022
On Saturday, April 30, North High School juniors, seniors and their guests got dressed in their finest and swept off to prom at Forte downtown Des Moines.
Anita Irakoze and Piercin Blocker won prom royalty by popular vote before students entered the ballroom of prom. The crowd cheered and congratulated them as their names were called.
A highlight was when the DJ taught the entire dance floor how to dance to “Crank That” by Soulja Boy Tell’em, a hit from 2009.
Everyone was dressed to impress and the suits did not disappoint with their diamond studded, sleek looks. But the dresses stole the show with glitter, silk and trendy fashion.
Below are the photos from the photo booth. Feel free to download and share! Also, if you want a yearbook, this week is the LAST WEEK TO ORDER ONE! Order through this link: Use code 2969. All yearbooks are $50. They will be distributed in September 2022 after we conclude coverage of summer sports.
Click to view the photos.