Trick-or-Treating might be unsafe, but there are lots more to do this covid Halloween
Ideas to keep the spooky in this holiday

October 12, 2020
Halloween this year will be interesting due to social distancing and Covid. Will we still see people going out?
The night of Halloween will be cold, empty, and mysterious. The issue this year is loud and clear, Covid. We all must be safe during times like this, but the spirit will still be roaming. We might not be able to go out, or even see cool costumes in person, but in today’s era, technology is our main source of news, family connection, and even schooling.
Yes, neighborhoods will be empty, but all that energy can still be shared onto the web. Best of horror films have those scary night scenes that we love. We are preparing for the jump scare under our blankets, and ahh! Just a little representation of Halloween: cold, empty, and mysterious. This year’s Halloween will indeed be different from our spooky, candy rush Halloween, but change can also be fun. Just because we are in lock down does not mean our Halloween spirits are as well.
What can we expect to dress up as? The costumes might be surgeons? We already wear those face masks on the daily, so all you need is a little pizazz and you’ll be good.
This year can be a perfect time to have a scare-off. Just like everyone’s favorite time of the year Christmas. You and your household can expect at anytime they will be jumped. This might not sound as exciting as last year’s Halloween, but that is not all.
Ghost bags are a great idea for your sweet tooth this year. This is just as if it were Easter. Instead of the colorful eggs you will give fangs, candy, and DIY spooky face masks for your friends and family. Find many other cool and spooky ideas for a quarantine Halloween at
Now that you got a glimpse on your Halloween, spread the news! Halloween is not canceled just yet. The scares will be still out and about, candy will not be missed, and movie night will always be fun.