Hillary VS. Trump: Which one is worse?

November 5, 2016

We believe that this year’s election will be monumental. Every election goes down in the history books, but four years, eight years, even 20 years down the road, America will look back on 2016 as the turning point for this country. Every vote will matter, every voice will be a difference in this huge moment in history, and now, more than ever, we need to be politically aware. We need to know what we’re supporting for the good of this country. Here’s what you need to consider as you enter the voting booths.


Why Donald Trump is a Bad Choice- Written by Mya Alexander

Over the past year and a half Donald Trump has become a household name for better or for worse; but for mine, worse. Every time he comes on during commercials or debates, Facebook, Twitter, and all social media sites blow up with criticism towards him. You can look anywhere online and there will be many articles about both the positive and the negative things, but this article is focused on the the many negatives.

Donald Trump has zero idea of what he’s actually doing. This has happened to everyone, you have a great idea and plan, but you’ve never actually put it into action or executed it. The moment you do, it flops right on its face because it was your first time doing it. Donald Trump is 70 years old, for all of those 70 years, he has spent zero time around the White House. He may have these so called big and mighty plans, which in his head, they may sound great, but in reality, do you actually think they’ll work?

On any and every platform available he has found a way to say something racist or discriminatory. On national television he said “I’ve said some foolish things but there’s a big difference [in] the words and actions of others… Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, and intimidated his victims.” A common tradition of Trump’s is to dodge an accusation with a blow towards Hillary Clinton or anyone for that matter. He said, “I’d look her right in that ugly face of hers…” and “I’ve said if Ivanka wasn’t my daughter, I’d probably be dating her”. These are just a few to mention of the the far out statements said with no regrets. After the video showing his saying rude comments and bragging about sexually abusing women was released, he said it was just “locker room talk”. Oh, okay, so we can say whatever to whomever as long as we’re in the locker room? Sweet. Thanks, Trump! And to top it all off, in the third presidential debate he called Hillary a “nasty woman” and then proceeded to tell, “Nobody has more respect for women than I do”. Do we really want a president who only argues with everybody and throws shade at any chance? The world might end up in a darker place than we thought.

He has said so many negative things and gotten away with it that it makes me wonder what else he could get away with. With him in the Oval Office we can only expect more rude comments and a lot of talk about plans and policies with absolutely no actions. So when you go to vote, think: do you want a president with actual views and puts them into action or a president with obscure views and no action?


Why Hillary Clinton is a Bad Choice- Written by Giorgio Rossi

Both candidates are terrible, and the third party choices are no better. But different from Donald Trump, I feel like America doesn’t focus in on what Hillary Clinton does. Donald Trump has become so terrible, that people assume Hillary must be better. That’s not the case, Hillary Clinton is a terrible choice as well. North High junior Josh Vu says, “It looks like the most likely candidate will be Hillary, and that terrifies me.” To clarify, I’m not saying she’s a bad choice because I support Trump, because I don’t. I’m not saying she’s a bad choice because she’d be a female president, because I have nothing against that. Hillary Clinton is a horrible choice because of her abundance of lies, which leads to lack of trust, and her excessive flip flopping on issues.

Hillary is a bad choice because of her easy capability of lying. There are political lies, which aren’t justified either, but then there are also just flat out lies. Clinton has flat out lied countless times that the media doesn’t seem to care about. In 1996, during her husband Bill Clinton’s presidency, Hillary took a trip to war ridden Bosnia. When asked about her visit, she stated how when she landed, she was under sniper fire and in danger. Video of the landing showed it wasn’t true. And even after videos surfaced, Clinton still claimed her story to be true. After the events of 9/11, Clinton came out to claim that her daughter, Chelsea, had been jogging around the towers when they collapsed and how she was concerned for her safety. After interviews with Chelsea, her daughter admitted that it wasn’t true. And through a very messy progression of the Benghazi incidents (which you should look up if you don’t know about it), she lied several times, including her stating that she didn’t have two different servers for her emails, which even the FBI claimed was untrue, and still, she said it. Many people believe she can’t be trusted with lives. And a year after Bill Clinton’s presidency, when the family made $12 million, she said that they were, “not only dead broke, but in debt.” Once again, revealed as false. There are many more fibs she has made up which I encourage anyone to look up. Hillary Clinton resembles that middle school girl that will make up any story just to enlighten her image. In addition, Hillary Clinton can’t make up her mind on anything.

Clinton is a horrendous choice because of how much she switches up on issues. She has been in and around the White House for over 20 years, so isn’t it scary that she has not only flip flopped with her stances on issues, but if she’s supposedly been “fighting for these for years,” shouldn’t she have made at least some progress? She now supports same-sex marriage, which she claims she always had, but she’s only been supporting it since 2013. Before that, since she arrived in the White House over 20 years ago, she was completely against it. Around 2006, she opposed raising the national debt limit, now more recently in 2014, she supports it. Back in 2008, she was against having stricter gun laws and opposed more rules and regulations, in 2015, she’s totally for stricter gun laws. There’s an abundance of more issues that she’s gone on record switching on. This is really concerning, considering the Hillary you elect for president could be totally against the ideas and issues she was for when you voted for her.

That being said, 2016 is a big year, vote wisely. Realize that your vote has a significant importance and wasting it on a candidate who you may not even know what they fight for is a foolish idea. Everyone has their own right to believe what they want to believe, and take a stand for whatever they want to. With that being said, vote for a candidate that represents what you believe in, not one that the media praises or condemns. Do your own research, and cast your vote.


Featured image by Mya Alexander.

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