Men vs. Women

Men vs. Women

Sammi Linebach, Features editor

I am a woman. I am emotional, affectionate, and social. I have monthly pain and weird cravings 24/7. I take time—a lot of time—to make a simple decision. I will stress over looking perfect night and day and turn around and say nobodies perfect or beauty doesn’t matter. I will starve myself for that beach body and dye my hair twenty times to fit in. I am a woman.

We are women. We get mushy together over our celebrity crush. We fall fast for some arrogant jock. We picture our perfect wedding with a white puffy dress and all our bridesmaids that look hideous next to us. We picture ourselves finally getting accepted by the society. We are women.

I am a woman. I claim to be independent but when it comes to doing something by myself, I want to have a shoulder to lean on. I say I have tons of friends but in reality, I am all alone. I am a woman.

We are women. We want a strong man to lift us off our feet and understand us. We want a photogenic man that wants to show the world how great of a couple we are as much as we do. We wish men would reveal how they feel more. We don’t understand men. We are women.

I am a woman. But, I am a woman that is idolized as a sex toy. I am not a person, I am a value and I am put on top the mantle for the pigs to gaze at. I am not respected as a woman. I am not a woman.

I am a man. I am tough, knowledgable, and hilarious. I react on impulse. I always exaggerate my stories to make them more famous than I really am. I build stuff all the time and have a trophy wife. I am a man.

We are men. We always say how much better our wife is than others’ wife’s. We take control of everything to prove our arrogance. We lie about how often we bench at the gym and the amount of each weight pressed. We are men.

I am a man. I have feelings, but I choose not to show them because it’ll show my delicacy. I want to be the best in every way possible and have everyone know how successful I am. I am happy and social during the day but at night I complain to my wife how hard life is. I am a man.

We are men. We price our women as a value, rather than as a person. We wish to have a beach babe that understands sports and will make us sandwiches whenever we want. We don’t understand women. We are men.

I am a man. But, I am a man that is characterized as a arrogant jock. I am not a person, I am either eye candy or a blubber ball for female subjects. I am not respected as a man. I am not a man.

Man Vs. Woman. One of the most conflicting relationships ever misunderstood. How we understand each other is and always has been a mystery. Will we ever understand the opposite sex? Do we even want to unleash the mystery?